Artificial intelligence is no longer a fantasy. It’s here. And it’s becoming more common every day.

Not everybody knows exactly what A.I. is – and what it isn’t – and that’s okay. It’s still very new. As the technology evolves, and becomes a regular part of our day-to-day lives, we’re all going to want to become well-versed on the subject.

So let’s kick things off by diving right into a crash course on the four main flavors of artificial intelligence.


1: Reactive A.I.

First up is the A.I. equivalent of a bored teenager who responds with a monotone, “Yeah,” every time you ask them a question.

Reactive A.I. is predictable, it’s basic, and it doesn’t have the capacity to think beyond what’s immediately in front of it.

Take videogame bad guys, for example. They see what you’re doing as a player, and they react (maybe by throwing flaming barrels at you). But they have absolutely no idea what the end goal of the game is. And they don’t remember anything they’ve done before, so they can’t learn from their mistakes.

They’re, by definition, reactive machines – they react to your input by spitting out some kind of output. Nothing more, nothing less.

Other examples of reactive A.I. include:

  • Email spam filters
  • Netflix’s recommendation engine
  • Deep Mind’s AlphaGo


2: Limited Memory

Limited memory refers to an A.I.’s ability to store data and use it to improve its predictions. By analyzing past patterns and behaviors, this flavor of A.I. can make better and more informed decisions for the future.

Self-driving cars rely on limited memory A.I. to detect lanes and map out the road ahead. It can adjust the car’s speed and break in real-time based on traffic patterns and road conditions, relieving drivers from the stress of maneuvering through traffic.

Similarly, limited memory A.I. can also help marketers analyze large amounts of data, making decisions about their strategies and tactics that can have a significant impact on the success of their sales campaigns.

However, while this technology is incredibly effective, it’s not immune to mistakes. Outdated data can lead to inaccurate predictions – so keep in mind that, even with more advanced systems, the output is only as good as the input.

For example, Chat GPT’s knowledge base is only current up to 2021.

So, as a little test, I asked ChatGPT, “Is Queen Elizabeth alive?”

Here’s the answer it gave me:

As an AI language model, I don’t have real-time information. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was alive. However, I cannot provide the current status or confirm whether she is still alive as I don’t have access to real-time data. I recommend checking reliable news sources or conducting an online search to get the most up-to-date information on Queen Elizabeth II.”


3: Theory of Mind

Here’s where we cross from reality to something that is, for now anyway, science-fiction.

This flavor of A.I. is more complex than Reactive Machines and Limited Memory because it features the ability to comprehend the idea that other living beings have “minds” of their own.

This means the A.I. can adjust its decisions based on the thoughts and emotions of the creatures around it. And although the A.I. may not fully understand what thoughts and emotions actually are, it still recognizes that they do exist and can influence behavior.

So, we may soon have technology that can understand and empathize with us on a level we’ve only seen in fiction.


4: Self-Aware

This is the summit. The peak. The tippy-top of Mount Artificial Intelligence. And we’re nowhere near it yet.

Self-Aware A.I. has long been a fascination in the world of science fiction, where machines become sentient beings with the ability to feel and understand human emotions.

This phase promises machines that are not only able to understand our feelings, but also forge their own beliefs and needs. It is a fascinating prospect that raises the big honking questions about sentience and consciousness (something we’re not going to worry about in this post).

While currently still hypothetical, the emergence of self-aware A.I. would mark a significant milestone in the development of technology, blurring the lines between humans and machines.

But that’s still in the distant future, and only really found in the stories we tell.


Looking Forward

The constantly evolving technological and business landscape can be exciting, but it can also be a little overwhelming. Even the most seasoned business leaders may find themselves struggling to keep up with the latest advances and trends.

That’s where Smart Link Solutions comes in.

Our SEO experts understand the importance of staying ahead of the competition, and we work tirelessly to provide our clients with the cutting-edge tools and resources they need to grow their businesses.

We’re keeping a close eye on the A.I. innovations as they relate to digital marketing – and we’re always on the lookout for new additions and tools that A.I. can provide, implementing them as we see fit.

Whether you’re looking to improve your website’s ranking or develop a more effective content marketing strategy, our team has the expertise and experience to meet your needs. So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed in an ever-changing digital world!

And stop by soon for the next installment in our ongoing A.I. Literacy series!

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