an orange with blue skin

Photo by davisuko

Running a business isn’t easy. Heck, if it was, everyone would do it.

Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s also easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind of juggling so many responsibilities. This is where innovation comes in. And innovating behind the scenes can be just as important as breaking new ground with your products or services on the front end.

With that in mind, we’ve gathered some of our favorite business hacks to help local entrepreneurs take success to the next level.


1: Embrace What Makes You Unique

We recently brought up a key question lurking in the mind of every potential customer:

Why should I buy from you and not the other guy?

In a world with so many businesses out there providing similar products and services, you need to find a way to distinguish yourself from the competition. Luckily, you’ve got an advantage no one else in the world has got.


It’s your unique approach to running your business that sets you apart. This could be your special way of working through challenges. Your customer-first philosophy that touches every aspect of how you do business. It could be the epic “you can’t make this stuff up” tale of how you launched your business in the first place.

In a crowded market where many companies are trying to act like the big boys, an especially effective business hack is to showcase what makes your brand unique from the others.

Make sure to highlight these aspects in your marketing materials, social media, and customer interactions – because they’re not just details. They’re some of your biggest draws that can make a big impression on your customers.

red leaves stand out among green leaves

Photo by Ralph Katieb

2: Learn to Be Flexible

The only constant in the business world? Change. Whether it’s a shift in customer preferences, unexpected economic downturns, or new emerging technologies – building up your ability to adapt (not just roll with the punches, but come out the other side stronger and wiser) will set you apart from your competitors.

Embracing a flexible mindset is the kind of business hack can lead to profound growth.

Or, put another way, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that only about 1/3 of businesses survive past the first decade. That’s pretty steep odds against success. One of the reasons so many businesses don’t make it is often attributed to a rigid, inflexible management style that hurts both growth and success.

With a flexible approach, you can innovate, change tactics when necessary. You can steer your company more quickly than others, and not get stuck in the routine of doing things the same way over and over again – even when it becomes apparent the old methods aren’t working as well as they once did.

Flexibility also helps when you’re watching out for market shifts. You’ll be quicker to make a move when the time is right to modify your business plan. Exploring new ways of doing things not only broadens your skill set as a leader, but also sparks creativity in your problem-solving techniques.


3: Build Grit

Every business owner faces challenges – whether it’s dealing with difficult customers, managing cash flow, or navigating supply chain issues. What sets successful entrepreneurs apart is their ability to remain resilient in the face of adversity.

A great business hack is building your grit.

When problems arise, skip the emotion (flying off the handle or losing hope) and dive right into problem-solving mode. Use a level-headed, clear-eyed perspective to focus on solutions.

For instance, if a key supplier suddenly and without warning increases their prices, don’t vent about it to your team – gather information on alternative suppliers, or consider negotiating a new contract.

Keep in mind that challenges can be valuable learning experiences, helping you and your business grow.


4: Document Your Standard Operating Procedures

As your business scales, the complexity of your daily operations often increases as well. Pretty soon, it can become a complex web of actions that only you understand from concept to execution.

That’s why you’re going to want to create process documentation.

Every task that you do often or repeatedly – this can be anything from managing your inventory to handling a customer service call – write it down. Make it a procedure.

Then, as you hire employees and build up your team, you’ll be able to quickly bring them up to speed in how you want things to be done.

Having clear, documented process documentation can significantly improve efficiency and ensure consistency in how tasks are handled across the company. This is especially important in industries where compliance and safety standards are a big factor.

Regularly review and update your procedures based on the way your company evolves, and from employee feedback. This is the kind of business hack that takes a little time and effort, but makes a big difference in the long run.

business hack in action: a team goes over procedures

Photo by Annie Spratt

5: Stay Connected to Your Passion

The last business hack might just be the most important one on this list.

It’s easy for the day-to-day challenges of running a business to get so overwhelming that you forget why you started it in the first place. But it’s important to stay connected to the passions that compelled you to run your business.

This might mean working directly with customers, creating new products, or simply spending quality time in your shop – whatever part of your job energizes and inspires you.

Make room for some joy in your daily operations. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small. Don’t let the daily grind take away from the passion you have for running your business. Passion is the key to longevity.


A Business Partner You Can Rely On

Everyone’s journey as an entrepreneur is different, but hopefully these business hacks will provide some helpful ideas as you grow your brand.

At Smart Link Solutions, we understand that in today’s world, a strong online presence is crucial for success. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to help you thrive, including:

    • Cutting-edge web design that captures your brand’s essence
    • Reputation management to ensure your business is perceived both positively and accurately by the public
    • And local search strategies designed to enhance your visibility in your area

With our expertise, built from over 30 years of helping businesses thrive online, we can help you attract more customers and grow your business.

For more information, call 866 – 757 – 5100 or visit Smart Link Solutions today!