seo mistakesIf you are not attracting as many local customers through your SEO campaigns as you would love to, take a look at this list to see if you are committing one(or several) of these local SEO mistakes.

Not Listed on Google My Business

If you have a local store and not on Google My Business yet, you are losing out on potential customers who could have come to your store through a simple Google Maps search. Setting up a Google My Business profile will get your store displayed on Google Maps, and best of all, it’s totally free.

No Reviews

Prospective customers who search for you online don’t know anything about you so they use the things available online to decide if you are trustworthy or not. Don’t have Google My Business Profile with no reviews. Encourage happy customers to leave a review if they can.

No Contact Information Listed on the Website

Customers need to be able to find you in case they need support. For any kind of business, listing accurate contact information will help boost your credibility ten times. On the contrary, having a business site with no contact information is a big red flag to many prospective customers.

Thin Website Content

You may think it’s enough to set up a simple 5-page website to build an online brand, but it’s not. Google ranks your site based on how updated your content is. To compete in the SEO game, you’d better set up a blog and post regularly. Make sure everything you write is useful and high-quality though.

No Social Media Presence

Believe it or not, your social media presence has a say in your SEO rankings. If you want to improve your social media profiles, and as a result, increase your SEO rankings, contact us today to get connected to our SEO experts!