a cell phone next to a plate of tiramisuBusiness and technology are evolving at a break-neck pace.

It seems like every week brings new disruptions that shift entire industries. The rules of the game are in a constant state of flux. Still, there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: Trust.

Trust is the bedrock upon which successful businesses are built, and this is just as true now as it ever was. In fact, a stunning 81% of customers say they need to trust a brand before even considering a purchase.

So, how does one build trust? Well, when it comes to establishing your brand’s online presence, Google’s set of content guidelines, known as EEAT, can be your guide.


What is EEAT?

The first thing to keep in mind is that EEAT isn’t a statistical measure. There’s no high score to reach. Rather, it’s a useful concept that helps Google evaluate the quality of a website’s content. But even though it’s not a ranking factor in itself, EEAT can ultimately lead to higher rankings in Google search results.

How? By earning Google’s trust. To do that, just include the following elements in your website’s content: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Let’s take a look at each of these elements.



While not originally included in the EAT guidelines, experience is a valuable addition to the equation. Why is it so important, you may ask?

In the online world, anyone can post anything. And plenty of folks do – including people who don’t know squat about what they’re talking about. But, by showcasing your authentic perspective, and adding in your personal experiences, you can put some real knowledge out in the world, and build trust in your brand.

By incorporating your experience, you demonstrate to readers that your insights are derived from genuine encounters and not just wild “clickbait” opinions. And the great news is, as a business owner, you undoubtedly possess a wealth of real-world experiences to draw on.



When we think of “expertise,” we often associate it with academic degrees, professional licenses, that sort of thing. While these are important for sure, Google’s concept of expertise is savvy enough to include practical knowledge. Everyday expertise. For example, you can demonstrate your expertise on a subject with how-to posts, or sharing the results of original hands-on studies.

Some have questioned whether there’s need for having both Experience and Expertise in EEAT. Aren’t they pretty much the same? Sure, there’s some overlap, but no. They’re not the same.

Expertise is more focused on knowledge. Say you’ve got questions about the history of the universe – then you’re going to want to read content created by experts in the fields of science and astronomy.

But if you want to know what it’s like to actually go into space, you’ll probably want to hear it from someone who’s actually been there, like an astronaut.


image of Lagoon Nebula



One of the most effective ways to demonstrate your authoritativeness is by consistently producing accurate and helpful content that others find valuable enough to link to.

When other reputable websites realize you know what you’re talking about, they’ll start referencing and linking to your content. These highly coveted “backlinks” not only validate your credibility to readers, but also send a strong signal to search engines like Google, positioning your website as a trusted authority in your field.

There’s that word again. Trust.

Which brings us to…



There’s a reason why the “T” stands for Trustworthiness – it’s the cornerstone of the EEAT framework, the culmination of everything we’ve discussed. As we’ve already seen, without earning people’s trust, it’s unlikely that you’ll get their business.

First of all, your content needs to be accurate and up-to-date. And you’ll want to establish the credibility of the sources you reference. By validating the reliability and reputation of those sources, you’re demonstrating the trustworthiness of your own content.

But building trust goes beyond content alone.

If you want customers to trust you with their valuable personal data, it’s crucial to safeguard your website’s domain by implementing the HTTPS protocol, which helps protect against unauthorized access and ensures that modern browsers label your website as “secure.”

By incorporating considerations like this, you can establish a stronger foundation of trust with your audience.


closeup on URL showing secure HTTPS protocol


Show Them You’re the One They Can Count On

While it may be true that things are changing every day, successful businesses are still built on trust. So, let folks know why they can trust your brand. Use EEAT when crafting your content to showcase your value to customers (and to Google’s search results) and address these questions:

    • Does your brand meet people’s need?
    • Do you offer a quality online experience?
    • Why should people prefer your website over the competition?
    • What are customers saying about their experience with your company?

If you’re seeking a digital marketing partner who can help you answer these questions and create a positive online experience in order to enhance your brand’s growth, you’ve come to the right place – Smart Link Solutions!

Our team of friendly specialists can assist you with digital marketing – from responsive web design to content marketing to reputation management to local search optimization – to elevate your online presence.

Contact us to see how we can help you today!