Social Media MarketingSocial media marketing is essential to the growth of your business but if you use the wrong strategies with this medium, it could cause problems with your marketing methods. Each social media platform has a different algorithm and not all social media platforms will work for promoting your services to certain demographics. If your target consumer is over age 50 and retired but is interested in a home-based online business, Instagram might not be the best social media marketing tool for you. Here are some social media marketing mistakes you might be making.

Not Developing A Feasible Social Media Marketing Strategy 

When you don’t have a solid social media marketing strategy in place, you are aiming without any real goals in mind. A good strategy will include tangible goals for your marketing campaign, an understanding of what your target customer’s needs and wants are, and the time required to invest in executing your strategy. It also helps to have a qualified team behind you to assist in your efforts.

Failing to Engage With Followers

When people leave positive or negative comments on your social media posts, you want to engage with them on a regular basis. This lets followers know that you care about the image your company presents to the public. It also shows that you are humble enough to make changes in order for your company to grow. Reply to comments in a gracious and friendly way even if you disagree with them.

Not Establishing A Social Media Policy

If you have a team that assists you with social media marketing, it is wise to establish a social media policy with them so that they’ll know what they should and shouldn’t do when promoting your company on social media. This holds them accountable and it helps you avoid publicly embarrassing situations that can happen in social media.

Overpromotion of Your Company

Another common mistake businesses make is to over-promote themselves on social media. When you focus so much on talking about your services on various platforms, this turns followers off and they’ll lose interest in your content. Instead of posting numerous promotional offers, post some how-to guides, blog posts, and customer testimonials.

In conclusion, when you avoid these mistakes on social media, you can have an important impact on potential customers.  

If you’re seeking assistance with developing an effective social media marketing strategy, contact us.  We provide development programs that are suited for social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  Our social media marketing package includes daily monitoring and influencer engagement.