What is Google Hummingbird?

optimize google hummingbirdGoogle Hummingbird is a search engine algorithm first introduced by Google in 2013 that focuses on improving semantic search queries that look for search results based on a user’s meaning and intention (as opposed to lexical searches that look for literal matches of a user’s keyword). What this means is that search queries featuring natural and conversational terms such as “Why,” “When,” “Where,” and “How” will use artificial intelligence functions to return search results that provide an answer or explanation to your search query. It was named after the hummingbird (the fastest bird in the world with recorded flight speeds of 50 MPH) because it was designed to sort through billions of webpages at lightning-fast speeds.

How to optimize your website for Google Hummingbird?

Here are three ways you can optimize your website to comply with the Google Hummingbird SEO algorithm.

1. Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are better for targeting search queries that revolve around asking or answering a specific question than short-tail keywords. For example, it is better to use keywords like “Best places to buy Jewelry in Manhattan” that are focused on addressing a question rather than “Manhattan Jewelry” which will provide a ton of generic results it finds from that specific keyword.

2. Create a FAQ page

A FAQ page is great for optimizing your website for Google Hummingbird because it features a lot of natural language search terms your target audience will be looking for. What’s also great about this page is that it allows you to create company-specific questions about your brand they may also be looking for. When creating your FAQ page, always include hyperlinks to your product pages as well as an anchor text describing your product to tell search engines what your pages are about.

3. Target local search terms

Local search terms will allow your website to show up in semantic search queries that target a specific area or region. Excluding your physical location from your target keywords will cause you to miss out on a lot of potential local customers and tourists looking for businesses in your area that are also selling what you are offering.

Contact us to learn more about optimizing your website for the Google Hummingbird SEO algorithm.