responsive websiteThe Internet is no longer the domain of the personal computer.

Almost half of all Internet users are now accessing the web using a mobile device instead of a PC. These users, equipped with smartphone and tablets, are poised to become the majority of all web traffic. With smaller, touch-oriented screens, they require a very different website design experience.

Countless websites are still designed only for personal computers. Either they look terrible on mobile, or, worse, they are practically unusable. PC-oriented websites look minuscule on small tablet and smartphone screens. Text is too small to read; buttons and links are too small to accurately press; and everything is cramped and poorly-displayed.

There is a solution to this problem.

Responsive Web Design

Every website on the Internet must now utilize responsive web design in order to accommodate the web’s ever-growing crowd of mobile users. Responsive websites use modern website design methodology in order to transform and scale to any screen while remaining beautiful and intentionally designed.

Web development professionals can create websites in the modern, responsive way while still maintaining all the utility you expect from a PC-oriented site. Storefronts, image galleries, and site security, all the features you expect, can be made possible in a responsive design optimized for mobile.

You Need a Responsive Site

Mobile users will leave an unoptimized website without hesitation. Frustrated, they’ll leave and take their business and ad clicks to a site that’s easier to use and easier on the eyes.

Every business needs a responsive website.

We Can Help

Talk to a web designer from Smart Link Solutions. Our pros are skilled in modern, responsive design methodology, and can provide the all features your business needs in a beautiful and easy to use website. To discuss our small business design package, or any other features you may need, don’t hesitate to contact us today.